mercredi 6 mai 2009

The Anders family

Cairns and the Anders family
We met the Anders family at the Josephine falls nearly Innisfail....
They invited us on a friday night family party ...
They are a very kind family!!!!
We would say you: Thanks for all, we love your pina colada ;), your japanese food, William dream every night about Saké,.
We enjoyed this friday night party and the saturday breakfast....
You are welcome in France at any time!!!!
And maybe Seïji and Megan, we will go in Japan!!!!!
See you next time and thanks for your hospitality!!!!!

4 commentaires:

Cam a dit…
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Cam a dit…

Bon anniversaire Guigui!!
j'espère que tu as bien fêté ça et que tu te régale des magnifiques paysages de l'Autralie!

je te souhaite encore plein de merveilleuses découvertes et rencontres.
bisous à tous les 2

Anonyme a dit…

Tu as goûté le Saké Japonais, maintenant, il faut faire goûter le Génépy aux Japonais!!

Seiji a dit…

Hi guys!
It was great to meet you both! We are glad that you could come to my parents` place for the party!
We will go back to Australia for Christmas so please come back to Cairns for an Aussie Christmas!! YOu are very welcomw
If not, we are waiting for you in Japan with more sake!
love Seiji and Meghan